Pre-Editing (aka Finishing)
We all
know that March is NaNoEdMo, but there's an important step that must be
done before reaching for your editing goals: finishing that novel. How
hard is it for you to finish a novel? Does it leave you with a sense of
closure or a yearning for more? Do you finish as many novels as you
So many questions in this month's WriYe topic!
How hard is it for you to finish a novel?
If I'm enjoying the story or I've got a time limit, like NaNo or April Fools, then I can usually finish a novel. The problem for me comes when for whatever reason I don't finish the story in the target time. When that happens I'll take a break from it for a couple of weeks and then find it very difficult to get back into it again because other things will have taken over.
Does it leave you with a sense of
closure or a yearning for more?
It depends on what the story was. If it's one where I love the characters then I'll usually want to take them on another adventure once I've finished the novel. Thief was a good example of that. I started with a Camp NaNoWriMo story that had an ensemble cast and once I'd finished I decided the more minor characters had so much more potential that I started Witness. That's currently on the back burner, but I want to get that finished before the summer, and then there are still more characters from that world that I'd like to explore.
However, if I've found the story more of a struggle to finish then I'm less likely to have a sense of yearning and more likely to just feel satisfaction at having finished the project - and dread at the thought of editing! ;)
Do you finish as many novels as you
No - I've always got at least one novel on the go, so therefore I've never finished them. I do try to finish ones that I start but some just don't get finished for various reasons - lack of inspiration, losing interest in the story, finding that I don't like the characters or the plot as much as I thought I did when I started, etc.